Frequently Asked Questions

About Shannon Farm

Shannon Farm is currently consented for 160 sections, set on a total land area of 142 hectares.

Sections begin at 1,500m² and go upwards of 3 hectares. All sections are freehold titles.

The anticipated delivery of the first titles is the 3rd quarter of 2025.

Shannon Farm has its own zoning rules, which can be found on our Owners Information page – CODC District Plan (Rural Resource Area 5).

Wanaka-based Infinity Investment Group are the developers of Shannon Farm.

They are an award-winning property developer with over 20 years’ experience in creating quality residential developments in Wanaka and Canterbury.

You don’t need to go far in Wanaka to see the outstanding calibre of their subdivisions, with Peninsula Bay and Far Horizon Park as great examples.

Infinity Investment Group are thrilled to be back in Central Otago creating another exceptional development in the desirable Shannon Farm.

NZ Cherry Corp (Leyser) LP is the owner of Shannon Farm, of which Infinity has 50% ownership.

Visit Infinity’s website for more detail:

Yes, we are expecting a few Show Homes to be located within Shannon Farm.

Purchasing Land

We recommend you Register Your Interest first, or contact our Sales Managers directly:

Patrick Waser: ; 027 442 2756.

Henry van der Velden: ; 027 434 5659

A 10% deposit is required upon the purchaser confirming the Sale & Purchase Agreement.

Purchasers have 10 working days following issue of Certificate of Title to settle the balance owing on the section.

House construction must commence within three years of settlement and be completed eighteen months after this time.

All landscaping works will be completed within the next planting season (1 April to 30 September) which commences following completion of the dwelling.

Please refer to the Land Covenants. No section may be sold until a house has been constructed.

Building at Shannon Farm

Yes, there are covenants registered on the title for Shannon Farm.

The covenants are there to protect the property values of the sections, the privacy, peace and security of the residents and the quality of dwelling design, landscaping and environment within the community.

You can find the covenants for Shannon Farm here.

You will require both a building consent and a resource consent.

Yes, all house designs must be approved prior to Resource and Building Consent being submitted to Central Otago Regional Council.

Design approval applications must be submitted to the Shannon Farm Design Approver along with a non-refundable application fee of $1,500 (inc GST).

There is also a refundable construction bond of $5,000 (inc GST) required when design approval is submitted.

Please refer to the Land Covenants and Design Guidelines for further information.

The subdivision offers all the normal services and facilities such as roading, drinking water, irrigation water, sewage, electricity and telecommunication services to the boundary.

Stormwater runoff from buildings and impervious surfaces on all lots must be captured and discharged to ground within the site using appropriately designed and constructed soak pits. This is the responsibility of the lot owner.


A refundable construction bond of $5,000 is payable to Shannon Farm when design approvals are submitted.

This is in case there is any damage to roads, footpaths, plantings, berms, neighbours property etc. during construction.

Net means it does not include the Right Of Way (ROW) if the section has ownership in a private ROW.

ROW’s are private land as outlined on the development plan/title, therefore the responsibility of the owner and/or anyone having an easement over the ROW.

There shall be no more than one residential dwelling on a lot unless additional residential activity is required to accommodate people working on the property and their families and the Developer consents.

Small self-contained units in addition to the main dwelling require consent from the Developer in addition to CODC and other consents.

Relocatable homes are not permitted at Shannon Farm.

The purchaser is responsible for the fencing.

Under the Fencing Act your neighbour is required to pay half the cost of the fence. For more information on your rights under the Fencing Act visit

All purchasers must be a member of the irrigation entity responsible for providing irrigation to each section including the payment of water levies.

Living at Shannon Farm

Yes, Shannon Farm has been designed around the natural landscape with the objective creating a sense of space for its residents.

Generous green spaces can be found not only surrounding Shannon Farm but also within. The neighbourhoods of Village Green & Orchard View have sections which border onto nature reserves.

To the west is a newly consented mountain bike park which will include world class mountain bike trails of various levels of ability.

Yes, please see Land Covenants clause 6.2 for the types of pets and animals accepted.


Cromwell town centre – 3km

Alexandra – 35km

Wanaka – 54 km

Arrowtown – 45km

Queenstown – 58km

Dunedin – 220km


Dunstan Hospital – 28km

Lakes District Hospital – 53km

Cromwell Primary School

Goldfields Primary School

Cromwell College

You can contact one of our Sales Managers:

Patrick Waser: ; 021 442 2756.

Henry van der Velden: ; 027 434 5659